One of the most revered games among hardcore RPG fans is the Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall, a game that is sadly filled with bugs. There is, however, a remake of sorts that fixes many of the issues, albeit a fanwork. This remake is known as Daggerfall Unity, and remade the entire game in the eponymous engine.

Getting the game to work right though, is a bit of a chore and many have been frustrated in trying. Those days are over, however, as has made Daggerfall Unity available on the site, and for free.

This ambitious project, launched over a decade ago by Gavin “Interkarma” Clayton, is aiming to bring the unique experience of the classic open-world RPG game to a new generation of gamers. Thanks to the efforts of the GamerZakh, a gaming content creator with a love for classics, you can now enjoy a special GOG Cut of the Daggerfall Unity title.

All you have to do is download the game and simply launch it. The GOG Cut of Daggerfall Unity doesn’t require any special actions or updates on your behalf. Thanks to settings and mods that were selected by GamerZakh you can explore the rich world of Daggerfall with enhanced visuals and gameplay.

However, please note that although we find the experience very enjoyable the work on the title is stil ongoing. Some technical issues might occur, so it’s wise to quicksave often (F9) 😀



The full list of mods involved includes


D.R.E.A.M. by King of Worms – KoW
Improved Interior Lighting by ShortBeard
Better Ambience by Joshua Steinhauer
Loading screen by TheLacus
Enhanced Sky by Interkarma
Interesting Eroded Terrains by Monobelisk and Freak2121
Distant Terrain by Nystul-the-Magician
Basic Roads by Hazelnut
Real Grass 2 by TheLacus
Vibrant Wind by Uncanny Valley – TheLacus – VMblast
Taverns Redone by Uncanny Valley
Handpainted model replacements by AlexanderSig
Windmills of Daggerfall by Kamer
Detailed city walls by Cliffworms
Birds in Daggerfall by Uncanny Valley
Fixed dungeon exteriors by Cliffworms
Lively cities by Cliffworms
Unofficial Block Location and Model fixes by XJDHDR
Readied Spellcasting Hands by jefetienne
Roleplay and Realism by Hazelnut
Roleplay and Realism Items by Hazelnut and Ralzar
Daggerfall Skyshards by Uncanny Valley
Airships by Kaedius
Archaeologists guild by Hazelnut
Daggerfall Unity Quest pack 1 by JayH2971
Daggerfall Unity Quest pack 2 by JayH2971
World of Daggerfall Project  by World of Daggerfall Team
Bestiary by Shapur
Famous Faces of the Iliac Bay by Cliffworms
You Can Pet The Cat by technitaur
Ambient Text by Regnier
Darker Dungeons  by Ralzar
Daggerfall Expanded Textures by Ninelan
Bestiary by Shapur
Levelling Inspiration by Cliffworms
Town Descriptions And Details by imsobadatnicknames
Rest Warning If Unwell by Kirk O
World Tooltips by jefetienne
Convenient Quest Log by Macadaynu
JayH’s Random Little Quests by JayH2971

The game can be downloaded here for those interested