Doom is a game that was designed with modding in mind and id software’s classic game has received multiple mods over the years. One type of mod that is common to see are TC mods, or Total Conversions, mods that turn Doom into something else altogether, and this has happened again using a Nintendo classic. The Legend of Doom is a first-person remake of the original Legend of Zelda for NES does as a TC mode for Doom created by DeTwelve Games.

Everything is included, with the entire overworld, all the items, enemies, and secrets recreated from a first-person perspective. Those who have a copy of Doom on PC can check it out now and since this is a Doom mod and not technically a Zelda project, it should be safe from the lawyers at Nintendo.


Here is a guide to install the mod:

First, you’ll need to download the latest version of GZDoom to your computer. You’ll find it here (the blue icon). Next, you’ll need a DOOM iwad (basically, a DOOM game file). You can pick up the original DOOM on Steam or GOG, but any DOOM iwad will work here. Finally, you need to download the latest version of The Legend of DOOM mod. At the time of writing, that’s version 1.1.0, which you can find here, but double-check the official page to see if any new updates are out.

How things move from here depends on your platform. If you’re using Windows, right-click the GZDoom zip in your Downloads and extract all contents to a new folder. Do the same for the DOOM iwad and The Legend of DOOM file. If you bought DOOM via Steam or GOG, GZDoom should be able to find it automatically. Now, launch The Legend of DOOM, then tell Windows you want to use the GZDoom app.

If you’re on a Mac, it’s a tad more complicated. Open Finder, then choose “Go” from the menu bar and hit “Go to Folder.” Type ~/Library/Application Support, then hit Enter. Here, create a new folder titled gzdoom. You’ll need to move the DOOM iwad and The Legend of DOOM file You may need to enter your password to continue. Now, unzip the GZDoom zip in your Downloads. You can move it somewhere else to clean things up, but you don’t have to. Now, launch The Legend of DOOM, and, if everything is in order, GZDoom should boot right up and launch the game.

You can see a trailer for the mod below