Since launching on Switch, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt has been offered as a “Complete Edition” with all DLC. But now CD Projekt Red is making a chance to that as, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, its expansions are now being offered separately on the store.The Complete Edition is still up on the eShop, but it will gradually be phased out.



Starting today (January 28th) gamers around the world are able to buy The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt for Nintendo Switch either as a Complete Edition containing the base game, both expansions and all free DLCs, or separately.

We decided to change the way we sell the game to allow everyone more flexibility. For the time being both versions will be available in Nintendo eShop but ultimately the Complete Edition will be withdrawn and replaced with The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt — Hearts of Stone and The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt — Blood and Wine as separate products.

Don’t worry, even after the Complete Edition is removed from eShop, you will be able to get the full set for the same price as before — in the near future we’ll introduce a bundle containing all products. In addition, everyone who already owns the Complete Edition will keep it, and, to ensure that no one buys the game for the second time by accident, every owner of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Complete Edition (digital or physical) will receive a 100% discount on the base game and expansions in Nintendo eShop.

Q: Will cross saves between Switch and PC still work?

A: Yes, cross saves will continue to work. Keep in mind that you need to have the same content both on the Switch and PC version for your saves to work.

For example, if you have the Game of the Year edition on PC you’ll need to have the base game, expansions, and all free DLCs on Switch to fully use the cross saving feature. Likewise, you won’t be able to use saves from the Game of the Year edition for PC if you only have the base game on Switch.

Q: What will happen to my physical version?

A: Players who purchased the Complete Edition game card will be able to play their version of the game just like before.

Q: If I delete the Complete Edition, will I still be able to download it again after it leaves the store?

A: Yes, if you already own the Complete Edition and decide to delete it, you’ll be able to re-download the game even after it’s removed from the Nintendo eShop.

Q: Will my save files from the Complete Edition work on the base game and expansions?

A: Not directly, but you can make them work by first transferring them from Switch to PC and then back to Nintendo Switch.



You can see our review of the game here