Legends of Amberland is an old school D&D style game. DnD or Dungeons and Dragons is a classic table-top game. The player will be running through a DnD game solo with a team of eight characters. The characters will help guide the story so it’s important to select the best characters for the job. The game starts either with players choosing to make a campaign or choosing quick-play. Quick-play is an instant start, but players can’t customize their squad. The player ought to select their party with their own two hands. It is more fun to play with a team crafted by the player rather than jumping in blindly.

Amberland is a vast place with monsters roaming and paths to walk. Players will need to keep their wits about them and guide their team to their destination. Monsters will attack whenever the player gets close, so be on guard. The adventurers can run away but it isn’t guaranteed, and the number of monsters roaming the land makes it hard to proceed without defeating them. The player walks through vast areas and small dungeons. Enemies will always spawn and even jump into battles that are already raging. Players can run around in the cardinal directions and turn with a button push but, the game doesn’t offer much guidance. Players will need to think on their feet and work to take on the world with little help. It makes the game a bit of a slog but, for D&D fans, they are sure to enjoy it.

Players can buy weapons and food in town. Food allows players to long or short rest. A long rest will restore mana and health while the short rest only restores health. It’s important to be aware of the enemies around the player as they just might attack. Plus if the player is delving into a big dungeon they will need to be sure they have enough food. As the player runs around they will constantly meet monsters in battle. The battles themselves are turn-based and are similar to Dungeons and Dragons. Players control a party of seven characters and must use their different powers and skills to face foes. Players have mana to use and it runs out quickly if players aren’t careful. While players can use simple attacks they won’t do as much damage. The battle system is a big menu of attacks and the player must use them to the best of their ability. It lies on the side of the screen and players must slide through selections so it’s not as streamlined as other games. Plus, the characters have quite a few attacks so it often takes a little too long to choose attacks. Having to guide seven characters right of the gate is also a little tedious even though it does help.

The game is filled with lore if the player is willing to talk to everyone. People have interesting things to say and will often tell the player valuable information. If the player looks at this game as an exercise in role-playing they are sure to find it to be exciting. It might even lead them to want to play Dungeons and Dragons which is a treat in and of itself. The game has an old-school aesthetic which makes it stand out. The enemies and destinations are 2D but stand in 3D. It’s great seeing what’s out there in the distance and helps with the conservation of items. Players can usually guide their characters safely even though there might be one hundred monsters in their vicinity. This game doesn’t aim to be impossible, it just gives the player a lot of chances to grind if it’s needed.

Legends of Amberland is an interesting game that takes the player into a Dungeons and Dragons-style world. The game plays like a campaign of Dungeons and Dragons and is different every time the player plays it. There is something refreshing about being able to start a game over and over again and always being surprised by what it throws at the player.