The Princess Guide is a tale about a knight turned teacher. This knight is at the pinnacle of health and in their prime, but they are thrust into teaching in a way that makes sense. This knight has much to teach because they have been at the apex of greatness. This knight soon finds four princesses and learns even more than they ever thought possible.
This game is all about one knight trying to change the entire world. This knight has to interact with four different princesses each with their own thoughts and feelings. Each princess distinct and all equally loveable. It’s great jumping between the princesses and feeling that they are all so fun to be around.

The player starts the game by creating their knight. This knight can be either male or female which is great for everyone who’s out to play it. The player then chooses a personality for their knight, which does, in fact, change how characters interact with the player. Players can even choose for their knight to be perverted which is rather humorous indeed.
Players will then pick the first princess the hero will look after. It will, of course, change how the game begins but will not change much as soon enough the player will teach all of the girls. It’s just nice to be able to pick which girl the player wants to learn about first. The order of the rest of the girls will change depending on who the player chooses, however. I chose Alpana first so I was paired with Liliartie, then Veronica, and lastly Monomaria.

Alpana is a religious zealot and the 64th priestess of Kamara. She is actually a part dragon and has large wings on her back and a tail. I couldn’t help but choose her first because she is the most interesting of the girls just by looking at her.
Veronica is a black mage and the leader of the Rusty Magic Guild. She has a thing for turning people who upset her into frogs. This witchy girl might be rude but she seems to have a soft spot for the protagonist.
Monomaria is a strong and interesting character. This girl isn’t sure of what she thinks of these other girls but with the hero in tow, she will certainly do her best. It is nice to see her become surer of herself as the journey continues.
Lilartie is the last of the girls and is actually a friend of Alpana. Alpana calls her Ati and is terribly happy to see her again. This girl loves to eat and will always talk about eating and usually digging into delicious legs of whatever animal she can get cooked up.

After the player delves into the four stories the girls will meet up for a big battle. It’s great to see the characters interacting and seeing how they might be actually like each other. This is when the hero will control all of the main characters and it is definitely the most fun. There is then additional missions with the girls after the fact.
The Princess Guide is an interesting game that has players lead small squads. Players can gain more units to use in battle and can level them up. It’s best to look at their stats and pick the groups which will deal the most damage but players can feel free to mix and match. The hero can go out and quest by themselves and also can send out the princesses and other different characters.
Players will run around dungeons or fields as either the princesses, the hero, or a squad of knights. They will take over artifacts and use them to their advantage. I honestly didn’t use these artifacts right until about halfway through the game. These artifacts can really make or break the game. Some of them are super powerful while to me the best is the healer. It is important to use these at the right time and manage them right because if they aren’t under the player’s control they will hurt them.
Players will also level up the girls by either praising them or scolding them. They can do this in the story proper and indicate if they like how they are responding to the world around them. But they can also do this in every battle up to three times. By praising them in battle, they will often restore the girls to full health. It is crucial at times to wait to praise them until they truly need it.
If the player is controlling the Princesses they will level up special phrases. These phrases are leveled up using the power of happiness that the princesses possess. Players can also unlock other phrases by completing certain tasks. It is important to gain all of the phrases because they will increase the princesses stats. The princesses stats are the key to getting the princesses more power. With more power, they will be more likely to succeed in ridding the world of evil.
The princess menu is where the upgrading happens. Players can see the princesses in the princess menu and they say a variety of things. They can then equip items and see what phrases the player has unlocked. The more phrases that are unlocked the more skill points the player is allowed to use on their main character. It all goes hand in hand to make both the princesses and the main character unstoppable.
This game has fantastic music, and it is thrilling hearing the battle music pop up. The music outside battle is also great and adds another layer to the world. I enjoy walking into new areas or having interactions between characters because I genuinely like the music.
There are also quite a few different monsters even though they all have reskins. It is great seeing what will pop up and using the artifacts against them. The bosses are often far larger than the basic enemies and are a thrill to defeat. This game will test the player’s mettle by sending wave after wave of enemies, and it can get tiring. But winning is always so great.
The Princess Guide is a story about a hero. This hero might not be like all other heroes but they are amazing. It is great to see the princesses grow and interact with each other. Clearly, the kingdoms will all do well once these girls have ascended their thrones. With four princesses to choose from who will the hero pick? Pick a hero, pick a princess and watch what happens!
Disclaimer: A review key was provided