Movies based on TV series often miss the point of the TV show or end up adapting it in name only. There have been so many examples of adaptations done wrong and so few done right, which makes the case of Rocky and Bullwinkle so surprising. The movie bombed at the box office and was also a critical failure, yet I feel the hate is not fully deserved. The movie had a lot going against it, especially when its trailers were some of the worst ever made. For some bizarre reason, the studio took scenes with funny jokes and replaced those jokes with painfully unfunny and quickly dated humor.

But why do I think the film itself is good? Because it is a faithful adaptation of what Rocky and Bullwinkle was. The cartoon was more about verbal humor that often was aimed at adults more than kids. The jokes were hit or miss, but when they were good, they were very good. This is replicated fully in the movie, with a sense of self awareness to go with it. The characters acknowledge they use tired humor and yet it works because they outright acknowledge how the show often was.

Many claim that the performances in the film were poorly done, but I disagree. Robert De Niro as Fearless Leader was a great choice, especially since he was a fan of the franchise for years. His comedic timing was perfect for the most part in the film, besides the one exception everyone always points to with regards to a poor reference. Aside from that one instance though, the movie avoided these issues and instead made very accurate observations about where society was going at the time and even where it is going now. Bullwinkle visiting his old college for example, perfectly sums up many issues with university outrage currently going on. The fact that protesters against him only accept[t him because his speech is so inane that it cannot be understood and therefore is deemed inoffensive, is perhaps more relevant now than it was at the time.

Other complaints were made about the film using CGI, but due to how the show was animated to begin with, it is not really an issue here. It is not perfect but does hold up rather well, which is unusual for CGI in films made at the time.  Complaints about multiple cameos by individual actors playing different characters also miss a point. This was another reference/homage to how things were done in the show where actors would voice several characters. The movie is not perfect, but the jokes are on point for the most part, and the puns work because the film calls itself out on this. If it weren’t for the horrible trailers, I feel the film would have been much better received. I encourage you all to check this one out.