Toki Tori 2 is a musical adventure game, where a Chicken heads out on his own journey to save the world. This game is a perfect adventure platformer with a musical twist that most wouldn’t have expected. Toki Tori 2 is the delightful sequel to the original Toki Tori and now that it is out on Switch, you can take this musical Chicken wherever you want to go.

This game is the sequel to the simple yet clean platformer Toki Tori. This time around there are new mechanics in place to make the game a bit more entertaining. Toki Tori 2 Plus is the base game plus some bonus levels making this the perfect time to pick up this game.

Toki Tori 2 changes up the playstyle and ditches most of what made the last game. The levels play similarly but there is far more freedom of movement. Players walk around trying to reach the end of the level collecting little bits of gold. They find save points too in case, heaven forbid, they lose. This helps keep the game flowing.

Toki this time around relies on music and his whistling can save the player. He can change the direction animals are facing and cause things to happen. It is up to his magical charm to help lead the player to victory.

Toki will also learn different songs, and all I can think about is Ocarina of Time. There is something about these songs, that for me strikes that idea of using music to travel. These songs can do a variety of different things such as warp the player back to the world map and travel to different save points in the level. The rewind ability is back in the form of a song, and that will help the player get out of any jam they may come across.

The world map is also rather vast for such a small game. Players can fly above the map using the eagle song and see everything that lies ahead. It’s a nice feature to be able to warp in a game, and to see the world shown below is great too. Players can warp to designated areas on the map and this helps the final collecting far easier.

Players are also able to catalog the animals they see on their journey in a tokidex. This is fun because it adds a scavenger hunt of sorts to the game. Whenever the player sees a new animal they will want to snap a shot a continue to fill up their tokidex. This is just another way to add a little bit more enjoyment to an already super cute game.

With five golden frogs to find and swathes of collectibles to obtain this game is sure to give anyone a good bang for their buck. It is amazing how this game relies on two simple commands, being whistle and stomp but continues to get more complex as the player plays. In all actuality, this game is a Metroidvania, albeit one that is cloaked by the cutest chicken around.

The game itself is beautiful and offers a lush green world for Toki to explore. Every background shines and the world just looks like a lovely place to live in. Playing through it I was filled with joy because it is just a nice world they’ve crafted. Though darkness does lie within the world, lava flows, and dead trees are out there. But that’s for experts who want to break off the beaten path.

This version is also the complete edition of the game and offers fixed up gameplay and even new secrets. The game also has video capture and plays well at 60 frames per second. All in all, making this quite the cute yet often complex puzzle adventure.

This game also offers forty-five different trophies for the player to attain. Even without a trophy system on the Switch, it is always nice to see games with trophies. These trophies vary from doing certain actions to collecting everything in the game. While it might seem like a small amount, gathering all of the trophies is no easy feat.

Toki Tori 2 is definitely an improvement on the last game. Changing up how the game played definitely gave the developers more room to play around. It also helped make the game shine and show that this team knows what they are doing. With a bunch of levels and a chicken that can whistle will the player help her save the world?

Disclaimer: A review key was provided