Snack World the Dungeon Crawl Gold is a game that has been awaiting release in the west for years. I have been itching to play the game since I first saw footage of the anime in 2016. This game is something new from Level 5, the creators of Yokai Watch, and I’m so excited it’s finally here. This game is one that I’ve been looking forward to, and it honestly does hold up. Snack World The Dungeon Crawl Gold was released a few years ago on the 3DS. Gold is the complete version of the game and comes with all the DLC released in the earlier release. The Nintendo Switch is a perfect system to play this game on, so I’m glad it made its way to this console. Snack World is a wild and crazy dungeon crawler, and at least for me, it scratches the Yokai Watch itch I’ve been yearning to fill.

The game begins with the player crafting their character. There are many options and customizable parts to making the character the best they can be. If for, some reason, the player wants to change things up, there are ways to adjust the character later on. But, players should know that their character will mostly stay as they are throughout most of the game. After that, the player will learn the character has amnesia and will meet the supporting cast. This group of characters includes the King and his daughter Melonia as well as other heroes Chup, Mayonna, Bearnaise, and Gobson, who are the main characters of the anime. These few characters will be around for a majority of the game, so players should get used to them.

Players then jump into the first quest. Quests are adventures that stay relegated to an area unless they are higher level. Players can’t just go to any location; they have to choose a quest. It might not be the greatest, but it works for this game. There are a good number of them to take on, and they are broke up into two groups, story, and side quests. Story quests either push the full story along or introduce new characters and snacks. These quests are a necessity, while side quests can be put off more often than not. Players will gain more quests either by completing them in the case of Story quests or by asking for them. Players will also gain side quests by leveling up their DC level or Dungeon Crawl level. It’s important to keep leveling up the DC level to experience more of the game.

Quests can be rather lengthy at times, but it all depends on the quest. If the player is a high enough level, they will be able to clear quests more quickly. If players dawdle in the dungeon, a wicked monster called Pop Sickle. This overpowered monster will wipe out anyone he deems should have moved on. Will the player defeat him and use him as an ally? After completing quests, players will return to town, which is the hub area. There are a variety of stores including, a weapon shop and a clothing store. Players can also head to the convenience store to pick up necessities and even try to Pick-a-Prize! These stores are going to help the player so visit them whenever money abounds. The town might be small, but it’s a happy place away from the darkness of the dungeons.

Players will also be able to collect a bunch of characters. These characters in fitting with the game are called Snacks. These Snacks are capturable once the team takes on the enemy several times. Snacks are helpful allies so its best to stock up on them. They are broke up into twelve styles with different skill sets revolving around either Attack, Support, Trapping, or Defense. It’s necessary to bring the best loadout to suit the dungeon, but players can use whatever Snacks they want honestly. The more the player bonds with the snack, the higher the rapport between them, and that means stronger Snacks!

Players also will need to dress for success. Fashion is quite an important part of this game. The daily style will change, and it will affect the player’s luck in dungeons and finding items. It’s a good idea to buy and upgrade as much of the gear as possible while playing the game. Fashion is the name of the game, so learn to play it and reap the rewards! Players can also see a fortune-telling character once a day. This character was initially involved in the use of physical toys. The toys, unfortunately, were not brought west so, she acts as a fortune teller. Though she does give the player a selection of items each day simply by talking to her. It’s a nice way to get gear and items so, be sure to talk to her daily.

Snack World the Dungeon Crawl Gold is an amazing game. It’s a fun and chaotic adventure with strange monsters and hilarious characters. While it might seem like it was made for children, adults should beware that some of the dialogue is a little risque. If the player has an itch to dungeon crawl and loves food, this might be the game for them. With a bunch of quests, snacks to raise, weapons to wield, and a foodie world to save, will the player rise to challenge?