Square Enix has released a new trailer for Triangle Strategy focusing on one of the protagonists, Roland Glenbrook, in a video kicking off the company’s new character and story video series.



Roland is the son of King Regna of the Glenbrook Kingdom, though not the firstborn heir. Roland and Serenoa share a close childhood friendship, and protect each other at any opportunity. When Roland’s kingdom and family is taken by King Gustadolph, he works with Serenoa and his party to secure the best outcome for Glenbrook’s people.

Throughout the demo of Triangle Strategy, Roland behaves quite honorably, if not a little blindsightedly. He bears a deep vendetta against Avlora and King Gustadolph for his kingdom’s usurpal, and would battle with them at any opportunity. Lastly, Roland has a selfless side, as shown by him offering to give himself to the Grand Duchy in exchange for the Wolffort Demesnes’ safety.

You can see the trailer below


Triangle Strategy releases on March 4, 2022.



