Gianna Sisters Twisted Dream Owltimate is a platformer on Nintendo Switch. This game is a tricky one with forty levels, including five new ones. Players will play as the Gianna Sisters, a pair of sisters who exist in different dimensions. Swapping between the two girls, players will work to save the world and reunite. The Gianna Sisters exist in two different realms. One sister lives in a Post-Apocalyptic version of the world while the other lives in a more magical version. Both lands are the same, but the aesthetic changes depending on which character the player controls. It’s a fluid change that shows off how magical the game is.

The post-apocalyptic world is gruesome and filled with wicked monsters. This realm is fun because players will want to take on every monster they see. The other realm is cartoony, and it doesn’t feel right attacking the sweet inhabitants. Players will have to swap often to take everything on and move through the levels. The world does change a great deal and introduces puzzle mechanics as the game progresses. There might be a vine blocking the way in the light side, but it will be dead in the other world. Players will also need to swap to collect gems that appear for only one of the sisters. Swapping will keep the player on their toes, but once they figure it out, it will be easy to keep doing it.

This game offers up two difficulties, both Easy and Hard. Players might want to take on Easy mode first because this game has tight controls. Players will struggle with tight jumps and difficult platforming, so they will want to understand swapping before jumping into Hard Mode. This game is a challenging platformer and will test anyone willing to take it on. Players will also take on bosses that will test the player’s mettle. These bosses are bigger and badder than any monsters the player faces regularly. Learning how to beat them will take time, but once they are defeated, the player should never struggle against them again.

The music in this game is also so good. As players swap between the realms, the music will swap too. Players will listen to two different tracks as they swap between characters heading to the end of the level. It might be a little jarring at first, but the music is so good that players will surely enjoy it. This game also has Holiday based content form of Christmas and Halloween levels. There isn’t enough seasonal Holiday based content in games. It’s nice to jump into a holiday-themed level and take on a world inspired by it. This game is magical, and players are sure to enjoy these Holiday inspired levels.

Gianna Sisters Twisted Dream Owltimate Edition is sure to be a hit for any platforming fan. The Gianna Sisters have cool powers that are worth learning to use. Swapping between characters like this is an interesting mechanic too. The two realms are so different that it makes the game even more fun. While this game won’t be for everyone, it is worth checking out.


Disclaimer: A review key was provided