Darksiders Warmastered is an action adventure game about one of the four horsemen saving the three realms. This horseman is War, a powerful being that would one day help lead the world into the apocalypse. Though things have changed and now he is the last of the horseman to walk the Earth.

War is a stoic man who always speaks with purpose. He isn’t one to mince words and will say what is on his mind. His adventure will take him to many places as he travels the realms trying to right the wrongs of the three sides. Man has been wiped out and it is up to him to figure out why.

Having wronged the wrong people by letting man die off, War is paired up with a partner. This partner is tethered to him for the whole game but does provide help if the player forgets what their next target is. The coolest thing about this character is that he is voiced by the fantastic Mark Hammill. Hearing this talented man always makes me smile and even if this character is just the worst, definitely adds to the charm of the game.

War will be set upon by many evil beings, though some might not look evil. Angels and Demons will make their way to attack War as he isn’t actually on either side. He is a man of balance, a man who should only have appeared at the right moment with the three other horsemen in tow.

War battles through enemies, ripping them apart with his great sword or other weapons that he can eventually use. War can also simply rip apart weaker enemies crushing their skulls in the process. While these smaller foes might look like humans they are far from it. The enemies vary in size and strength and can often appear in groups. These groups can lead to quick a finish if players aren’t willing to dodge and defend.

Players must balance between killing these smaller foes with their sword or with their hands as the player is out to collect souls. Souls are split up into three different groups, currency which is blue, hp which are green, and special which are yellow. These souls are an important part of keeping War alive, so it is good to figure out which enemies give them out. Killing the smaller enemies with the bare hand will reward the player with health so sometimes its good to use that method.

The blue souls are arguably the most important as they are used to barter. Players will be able to buy many different buffs, weapons, and powers, from the merchant Vulgrim. They will be able to upgrade these skills at his shop too. But try to balance this out, because there are key characters that will ask for souls. Even Vulgrim initially asks for five hundred souls, so players will want to collect as many of these blue beauties as they can.

War’s abilities in the prologue are maxed out, but he soon loses them all. It is great watching this character start out so strong, lose all his might, and slowly build it back up. He is a legendary warrior, after all, so it is pertinent the player bring him back to his former glory. Players will gain abilities throughout the game that will introduce new and cool elements and it always flows just right.

There are also numerous treasure chests throughout the game. Players ought to find these as they can often be filled with the ever important currency souls. There are often also green chests which will heal the player to full health and yellow ones which will restore his special gauge. It is best to use these chests when War’s energy is drained because they don’t respawn.

War will find many challenges throughout the course of this game. Players will be tasked with killing enemies in certain ways or beating them all before the time runs out. These challenges are great ways to earn souls so players should do their best to beat them in short order. They can often be arduous challenges in their own right but they are assuredly beatable, sometimes it just depends on a little luck.

Darksiders Warmastered is a great game and one that will provide hours of fun. It has a compelling story and interesting characters. The voice acting is fantastic and the score is great too. Darksiders Warmastered is a great action adventure game and one that people should play if they haven’t experienced it. War is out to figure out what has gone wrong, will the player help him out, or will it just be him against the three realms?

Disclaimer: A review key was provided