Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Storm Ground is the first full tactical video game based on the  Warhammer Age of Sigmar tabletop game from Games Workshop. The game is a turn based strategy RPG with arena-style combat focusing on three different factions, the Stormcast Eternals, Nighthaunt, and the Maggotkin The game will see you select a main hero and arrange squads around them to command and take down.

The game is very competent for a turn based strategy RPG, with units being familiar to players of the genre and fans of the tabletop game. Movement is easy enough to figure out, but using the terrain best to your advantage is key to success. At first you will only be able to play a single faction as you are eased into the game, but you will quickly unlock the other factions as well.

Storm Grounds stands out by incorporating roguelike elements for their missions, with around eight or so levels in a mission. You must customize your faction and grind for gear and weapons in order to do better, and this actually does make Storm Ground feel unique. This is a game that encourages replaying as much as possible and it must be said that this manages to innovate on Warhammer strategy games.

There is a drawback though, and that is that the game is very slow. The pacing of the game is slow and the movements in the game feel very drawn out. This is not even due to needing to accommodate the roguelike nature , but just the overall game feeling very slow moving. This combined with the roguelike nature of the game, this means that you will need a lot of patience as you play.

This problem is not helped by the fact that the writing and voice acting in Storm Ground is not the best. The voice acting will grate on you after a while, and the character dialogue feels needlessly dense. The music in the game is decent though and visually it is a very good looking game, especially when comparing the different factions.

Where Storm Ground shines is the customization options, which give you a large amount of gear and and units you can use. You never feel like you are repeating yourself and instead are driven to experiment more and keep going. This may not be enough to make up for the slow pace, but it helps you feel like the characters are ones you are directly involved with.

In conclusion Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Storm Ground is worth checking out for fans of the strategy RPG genre. It manages to make something new that fans tabletop can enjoy, while innovating on the genre for fans of these types of games. You may be turned off by the writing and voice acting, but if you have the patience for this game, you will find it to be very rewarding. We highly recommend it.

Reviewed on Nintendo Switch

Also available on Xbox, PC and PlayStation

A review key was provided