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40k fans, it’s time to relive Warhammer history with the release of Horus Heresy: Betrayal of Calth into Early Access on PC and VR next week. This is the first major release from Games Workshop depicting what set the course of Warhammer 40k into action. As my favourite book series in the 40k timeline, I’m super excited to see the progress Betrayal of Calth makes through EA.

Here’s a quick rundown of what you need to know about Horus Heresy: Betrayal of Calth.

Gameplay Details:

  • VR Mode: “Human-scale” view allows you to come face-to-chest with lifesize Space Marines. Combat sequences give players the feeling of being on the battlefield during 40k action. A world first VR game set in the Horus Heresy.

  • Single-Player Campaign: 24 combat scenarios. With five at Early Access launch. The story progresses linearly and each level presents unique challenges intertwined with the drama of the narrative.

  • Multiplayer Skirmish Mode: Players can play either as the Ultramarines and Word Bearer factions. Units include Legionnaires, Terminators, Dreadnoughts and a cast of characters armed with everything from Bolters to multi-meltas to assault cannons. More character classes will be added up until the final game release.

  • Cross-Platform Multiplayer Matchmaking:  Bring the full arsenal of your chosen Legion to bear against friends with private matches or against opponents across the world. Competitive PvP pits you against players on VR or PC. As a turn-based skirmish, VR versus PC provides no gameplay advantages, only differing user experiences of the world.


Check out the timeline below to get a better idea of the timeline planned for Horus Heresy: Betrayal of Calth during Early Access.



Will you be checking out Horus Heresy: Betrayal of Calth? Let us know!


Source: PR Email