This is a tough review. I wanted to like Oniken, I really did. It is a throwback to a bunch of games I like, such as Ninja Gaiden and Shadow of the Ninja, while having some of the aesthetic of classics like Journey to Silius. It is also the 8 bit Fist of the North Star game we would have loved back in the day, but for all its high points, it has issues.

To begin, the controls are frustrating beyond belief. I had no end of issues at the beginning and Oniken felt like a sluggish version of the games it was trying to mimic. It feels like a love letter that is trying just way too hard to prove how it feels about the classics.

It isn’t all bad though, as I do feel the music was absolutely fantastic, and the combat was well handled. That said, the story wasn’t gripping even if viewed as a throwback game. It has the perfect look, down to the very last detail and captures the image of an 89’s game. The issue is that it doesn’t feel like one and that throws you off.

Oniken has other high points, such as the ability to replay the completed stages anytime, but that isn’t enough. On top of that, the flashing lights that plagued me in Odalus are here also. Its nowhere near as severe here, and didn’t force me to stop playing, but it did give me a headache when I was done.

Bottom line, this is for hardcore retro fans only. Otherwise, just look elsewhere.

Disclaimer: A review key was provided