First of all, I’d like to say that I finished KLS-9 by Leigh Grisson in an afternoon.  Not a day, mind you.  An afternoon.  Not even that.  Like, two and a half to three hours, tops.  It’s not a short book, either.  It’s just that good.  You might as well not read any more of this review.  Just go out and get it now.

Not convinced?

Okay, fine.  I’ll go on then.

KLS-9 is a sort of cyberpunk/urban fantasy mash up.  It’s got some cool cyberpunk gadgets, but the main focus is on psychic and telekinetic and powers.  Sound awesome, already?  That’s because it is.

The setting involves a word where people with mind powers are closely watched, regulated, and trained by the government.  Most are put into these neighborhoods (more like camps) where they stay forever.  However, the really talented ones get programed for more nefarious deeds.  Poor Kerry, our heroine, falls into that category.

She escaped, but now she’s on the run.  Unfortunately for her, she has huge gaps in her memory, splitting migraines, and a voice in her head.  Everywhere she goes, mayhem follows.  There’s also a “Tracker” following her as well.  Isaiah has pyrokinesis as well as an uncanny ability to see people with psychic powers.  Regrettably for him, Kerry is one of the most powerful of them all.

The book is fast-paced and intense.  The characters were memorable—and if I don’t mind saying so—pretty kickass.  I loved the political intrigue as well as the excitement of Kerry and Isaiah’s interactions.  I cannot say enough good things about it. 

Oh, and there’s a sequel that I’m about to get my hands on.  SABRE-9 just came out, and I’m super excited.

Anyhow, what are you doing still reading this?  Go now.  Buy.  Read.  Enjoy.