In a quick interview, Sam Kennedy has revealed that Nintendo won’t be using friend codes for the Project Cafe, also known as the Wii 2. Even though Nintendo has yet to make an offical comment on the news or the possibility of this, Sam was confident in saying that friend codes won’t be appearing on Nintendo’s new Hardcore system.

This brings up a barrage of questions about Project Cafe, on top of everything else people have been asking since rumors first surfaced. How will Nintendo be approaching online gaming without using the Wii Friend Codes they are known for? Is there a new version/iteration of Nintendo’s online service in the works? We all know that Nintendo will be having the Wii 2 online compatible, it could even be possible that they are taking a page from either Microsoft’s or Sony’s approach to the online gaming scene.

At the current moment there, there are more questions and very little answers. Hopefully, E3 this year will shed some light on the elusive new console Nintendo has cooking up for us.
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