Bethesda sent out the following


Blitzmensch Description

Holterdiepolter! It’s official – Blitzmensch is a blast! General Engel’s favorite TV show is getting bigger and better each year! Päng! Blitzmensch and his partner Fräulein Fox save the world from capitalism, communism, and degenerates every day in this amazing show celebrating die Überlegenheit – the superiority – of the Reich and the Aryan race. Ach, nee! Who will be this week’s baddie? The evil Money Grubber? The notorious Proletariat-Man? The vicious Mr. Yankee Monkey? Don’t miss a single episode of Blitzmensch!


Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus releases October 27 for Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC.


The developers of Wolfenstein II are really going all out to establish the world of the game. Wolfenstein II is looking fantastic and we hope to have a review sometime around launch,


Source: PR Email