Ninjala might be coming out next month, but Gungho was kind enough to grace us with a demo. This game has the vibe of early Splatoon, and there is nothing wrong with that. This game begs to be played and looks cool doing it. I was excited to play it from the moment it was revealed, so I was hyped to play this demo.Ninjala is a Ninja based battle royale. It might have Splatoon vibes but, it’s quite different. The first big difference is that this game is free to play. Anyone can pick up and play this game with a simple download from the Eshop. The demo was similar to Splatoon’s Testfire. Player’s were given a short amount of time to play the game, to test the servers. It was a simple stress test, but it was rather eventful.

For whatever reason, the team behind the game thought their game wouldn’t be so popular. The servers were inundated with so many players that the server crashed repeatedly. Some fans were upset by this, but it wasn’t a big deal as this was a stress test. Hopefully, with this information, the full release will be even better. It was interesting seeing so many people tweeting about this whole thing. They all wanted to play the game and they were all disappointed they couldn’t.

The game itself is a blast to play. It’s frenetic and often chaotic, but that is part of the charm. This game is just so great and the energy it gives off is certainly exciting. It is a game that can be played rather effortlessly but will take time to master. Players battle it out in an arena against eight opponents. They must react quickly and smash their enemies. Players can also destroy hovering daruma to gain points and power up their weapons. The battles are fierce but with quick wit and the right directional movement, combat is so fluid.

Players will fight their opponent’s tooth and nail. They can hide with ninja transformation if they need a breather. Players will respawn if defeated so that’s not an issue. It’s a great feeling when the player can take out multiple foes. Sometimes foes will clash and the players will have to quickly move out of the way to strike again. With practice, it becomes all the quicker. Once the timer runs down, players may even be rewarded with extra points. There is one for destroying Daruma and another for getting Ippon. Ippon is when a player defeats another character. Style is also taken into consideration for point distribution so try to make those kills flashy. Once the player is crowned victor players might level up and get extra gear. It’s rather basic but the game oozes charm so it’s rather wonderful!

Players choose one of eight characters to play as. The characters each have their backstory and reason to fight. Players can then change their hair and skin color. After this its time to dress up the hero and equip them for battle. Each of the characters is great in their way. I appreciate the differences and enjoy the energy they give off. The weapons are all rather interesting. There is a katana of sorts as well as a drill, a hammer, and a yo-yo. Each of these weapons has its stats and even their special. Yes, it all screams Splatoon clone but the difference between the games is large enough that that is okay. Plus players will earn Ninja Gum that lets them change their weapon color for a certain amount of matches. Players also get to choose how their characters emote which is a great thing. They can choose different emotes for the beginning of the battle, the end, and if they win. It is nice to have this ability as it allows for differences. Plus they can also choose a music track for when they are winning.

The music in this game is also spectacular. Players can listen to it at any time, but its best listened to in battle. Choosing the coolest song and then blasting into battle was thrilling. It was great for someone like me to get so excited and grab first place too. The game is going to be one I will be playing for a good long while once it finally comes out next month. There were three available stages to try out in the demo. The tutorial dojo was the first and I can see myself spending a good amount of time practicing once the game is out. There is also the Ninja Academy which is a flashy yet confined arena. I didn’t get to play properly in Eagle City, but I did practice a bit in there. Eagle City is going to be one of the best stages, as it’s vast and buzzing with potential.

This game will take work to master. It’s always good to brush up on skills against computers and the dojo is just the place. Using the dojo is easy and players can practice at any stage. Try out new pairings and figure out how weapons work before battling it out. A little practice goes a long way, and these ninjas are going to need it! Ninjala’s Exclusive Ninja Club demo wasn’t perfect but it showed off what the game can do. I enjoyed what time I got with the game, and can’t wait to play it in the future. Some people might have been discouraged by the demo, but hopefully, everyone gives it a try when it launches May 27th. There’s a radical tournament starting next month, will players chew some Ninja gum and get ready to rumble?