Just because summer is over doesn’t mean that you have to give up on your vacation dreams. Instead of trying to set up expensive travel arrangements, why not try a video game vacation? Not only can you travel to some really cool places–both real and imagined–but you can do it on the comfort of your own couch!

Join Real Otaku Gamer for more video game vacation destinations! After reading, make sure you take the survey at the end to vote for your favorite video game place.

Game: BioShock Infinite

Place: Columbia


About: An impossible city in the sky, Columbia was the brainchild of by religious fanatic, Zachary Comstock and designed by physicist Rosalind Luteca. Though the city appears to float on balloons, it uses quantum levitation that allows it to suspend itself in the sky. Built in the late 1800s, Columbia succeeded from the United States and in its own isolation gained more and more contempt for the “Sodom Below.” Declaring himself a prophet, Comstock turned a possible utopia into a dystopia, fostering racism and classism.

Why Visit: Columbia may be a dystopia, but visiting it will get you thinking about modern-day social issues. The architecture and graphics are absolutely gorgeous as well.


Must See Areas:
• Go zoom around on a sky-hook. It’s like a roller-coaster ride.
• Help the Vox Populi over-throw the government in Finkton.
• Head over the Welcome Center and visit the Columbia raffle and fair.
• Have a good time at Soldier’s Field by visiting the beach in the sky and the ever-fun Battleship Bay.

What do you think? Which video game vacation would you prefer? Click here to take the survey and let ROG know where you’d like to go. Be sure to come back next week for another location.

Week 8: Citadel
Week 7: USG Ishimura
Week 5: Skyrim
Week 4: Pittsburgh
Week 3: Pandora
Week 2: Chicago
Week 1: Rapture