A few months ago, I reviewed Knight Terrors, an auto runner from FreakZone Games and Nicalis. While my general view of the game has not changed, I feel I did not do it justice and want to add more to it. I feel I was overly praising it and could have mentioned some of the more negative parts and other positives.

I noted that the game has intuitive controls, which is true as they are simple two button controls. That being said, there are issues with the controls not responding right away and thus leading to getting hit or missing enemies repeatedly. This isn’t a a major issues, but I should have mentioned it before. I also feel the background has a lack of variety that takes something away from the experience and gives a sense of sameness. I do appreciate the visuals in the foreground and the multiple varieties of enemies, which harken back to the golden age of console retrogaming, but I think some more could have been done.

There is also a lot of content in the game, but it must be unlocked. This doesn’t seem that bad, but unlocking each mode becomes somewhat frustrating (albeit equally rewarding). I am not saying everything should have been available from the start, but rather maybe a little more variety included in the unlocks wouldn’t have been bad.  The powerups are a great thing to unlock but sometimes it feels like they are a goal for a goal’s sake. I am wondering, if a mission structure of sorts would have worked better.

I do not want to seem like I am ragging on the game, because I genuinely do like it. It is a budget game that offers a lot of content for its price. It has a fun music beat that fits the game perfectly, and indeed all the music is handled well. I would still recommend this fully even if I think there could have been more. The fact is, playing Knight Terrors is great in short sessions as well as if you need something to occupy yourself for a little bit while travelling or waiting somewhere. This is a game that works great on a portable device, and thus is a perfect fit for the Switch. It follows a pattern but tries ( and mostly succeeds) to put its own spin on things. I suggest checking it out.