Run ‘n Guns are a fun genre that have been part of gaming since almost the very beginning. Titles like Contra are famous and modern indie games like Biolab Wars have continued that tradition proudly. So when Savage Halloween from 2ndBoss and QUByte Interactive was announced, it caught my attention immediately as it was a humorous take on horror themed shooters that looked to be rather interesting. When I finally got my chance to play it, it took me a few tries before things clicked but that gave me more time to understand the game.

The game sees you control one of three characters on a quest to stop the monsters of Halloween from taking over the world. Each character has their own strengths and weaknesses with one being faster, one jumping higher and one having a stronger attack. Each character needs to be understood well so you can play the levels to full enjoyment. I do feel that some of the levels are designed with some characters in mind, such as one that jumps higher like Dominika , or needing a character that moves quicker like James, while the werewolf Lulu is available for strong attacks,. This can be frustrating though, when you do not realize it beforehand, but once you are aware, you can plan better.

The visuals in Savage Halloween are very plain and basic but that works to the game’s advantage. This is a budget title and is not a game that aspires to be a major player in the genre but rather just a fun experience for a few dollars. The levels are short and simple and the various weapons you get are easy to understand, which makes the overall gameplay fun. The game’s humor is also rather nice, and if you want something new to play in the run ‘n gun genre, this is not a bad choice.

There are seven levels to go through and the game does constantly change things up. While some levels are basic platforming run ‘n gun stages, others go all out with inventiveness and have you flying on a witch’s broom, wile another has you hitchhiking on a penguin’s back. This is a game that does not take itself seriously and that makes it work in my opinion. This is a game about all out insanity and while the stages could have used more polish, I do like what was done here.

Not every game needs to be a big budget title, and even budget titles that only cost a few dollars or even just a dollar can provide more than enough excitement if the game itself is good. Fortunately, Savage Halloween is designed well, and for a budget game is enjoyable. I do recommend checking this out, but be aware it is not the same as a title like Blazing Chrome. This is something that can provide fun within expectations.

Disclaimer: A review key was provided