As I have done over the last few days with fighting games, I would like to talk a look at what the best Western RPG of the decade was. There were many contenders for the title, such as Witcher 3, but the ultimate winner had to be The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is an open world action role-playing game that was developed by Bethesda Game Studios and published by Bethesda Softworks and was originally released in November 2011 for PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and PC., with remastered versions coming out for Xbox One and PlayStation 4 and PC in October of 2016, with versions for the Switch and PS VR following soon after.  The game uses the Creation Engine, which was specifically rebuilt for the game after some of the issues with Fallout 3, while the special edition uses the enhanced creation engine engine from Fallout 4.

Set 200 years after its predecessor, Skyrim focuses on titular area of Skyrim, the homeland of the Nord people. Among the conflicts in the game are two warring factions at odds against each other.  The Stormcloaks consisting of Skyrim’s native Nordic folk who wish to rule their own land, and the Imperial Legion represents the Empire and wishes to keep the region safe and at peace . Both sides have their positives and negatives, as the Stormcloaks have many racist among them, but with the Imperials, the people of Skyrim are denied some of their beliefs.


It soon becomes apparent that there are deeper issues at hand, as the player character is nearly executed by the Imperials after being caught crossing a border illegally. They are saved by the arrival of the real threat in the game: The return of the dragons after centuries of not being seen. It soon becomes apparent though, that the player character is the Dragonborn of legend and the one who can slay dragons permanently and take their souls. The Dragonborn is also able to learn the Thuum, or shouts and gain the power of the dragons themselves.

The main story is pretty involved, but it’s the  game is much more than the main quest and it is the expansive world that really shines with Skyrim. The scenery is gorgeous, especially if played on PC with the graphics on the highest levels, along with a few texture mods as well.  The world of Skyrim feels alive, as most of the items in the world are extremely interactive, the people in Skyrim are interesting. and the places are fun to explore.  You can walk around the map just for fun and constantly find new things. You do not even need to play the main quests at all, as some people just create characters and then just make up their own story and go hunting animals, collect things, and just have fun.


But why is it the western RPG of the decade? Very simply because everything Skyrim did set the stage for how RPGs would work for the next several years. Games like WItcher 3 and even Breath of the Wild were inspired by Skyrim in terms of world design and quests.  Other games may have come along and done things better, but Skyrim was so influential that all western RPGs since, as still living in its shadow to some extent.  Sure, Skyrim is a first-person, action RPG.  A lot of games are.  The thing that really makes Skyrim stand out is the leveling and experience system.  It’s very simple: you level up what you use.  Whatever angle you want to play with Skyrim, you just have to use it to level it.  In this way, players are not pigeon-holed into a certain class.  Do you want to be a mage who has thief tendencies?  Go for it.  Do you want you want to be a warrior who also can use magic when needed?  Yep!  You can do that.  Do you like being a thief who enjoys two-handed combat?  Why not?

Then there are the mods, which have driven the community for years. Whether it is adding in elements from the Zelda series, adding in entire new land areas, or even recreating older games within Skyrim, there is something for everyone here. They give you the ability to be able to do what you want, when you want.  You can mix and match with the various mods you want to create the best playthrough for you, and enjoy the game as you want. Want a better vampire playthrough? There is a mod for that. Want to visit Cyrodill during the era of Skyrim? Beyond Skyrim has you covered.



There is something special about Skyrim, and it may have to do with the fact that gamers can easily make fun of it without damaging the integrity of the game.  How many “arrow to the knee” memes have you seen?  How many times have people made fun of the fact that one can eat 99 raw potatoes in the middle of the battle to gain health?  What about trying to kill a chicken?  But there is also a serious side to the game , as well as a certain human aspect to it that other games lack. It is a fantasy game, but they feel real. There is even a great depiction of a character on the autism spectrum in the game. Yes there are some “silly” elements of the game, but the game has its awesome moments as well and they help balance things out.

Skyrim itself shows no signs of slowing down years later. Bethesda has even been adding to the Special Edition for the last couple of years, with a lot of new content via the creation club, albeit not without controversy. From references in other games, to mods for Skyrim becoming their own IP, the game still has a devoted following. Fans are still finding new secrets in the game years after release, and there are entire YouTube channels devoted to Skyrim that update several times a week. Skyrim has become more than a game, and is something of a phenemenon att his point. There may be other candidates for best Western RPG of the decade, but Skyrim stands above them all.


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